Last news from Mauri

Solar impulse foundation

F.lli Mauri and the "World Alliance for Efficient Solutions"

F.lli Mauri SpA has joined the "World Alliance for Efficient Solutions", an initiative set up by the Solar Impulse Foundation, aimed at bringing together the main players in the clean technologies field by facilitating matchmaking between solution providers and investors through collaborative synergies for the development of green and profitable solutions to today's environmental challenges.

F.lli Mauri SpA, as a member in the "Innovators" category, in cooperation with all Solar Impulse Foundation members of further categories of 'Investors', 'Promoters' and 'Adopters', is called upon to provide clean and profitable solutions oriented to meet today's environmental challenges, aimed at the achievement of environmental, economic and social sustainability goals within the ESG field.

The identified projects will have to cover multiple fields of action, such as industry, waste, energy, water, agri-food and mobility, proposing cost-effective solutions and their adoption tools to political and economic decision-makers, with the aim of encouraging them to adopt more ambitious environmental solutions and energy policies.

Taking part as a member in this important global alliance not only represents an opportunity for our company to grow internally, it also symbolises an opportunity to contribute our expertise to achieving important global challenges, investing in a path of sustaining economic growth, protecting the environment and optimising the use and harvesting of natural resources.