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Sustainability Report and GRI standards

Sustainability Report and GRI standards

With the purpose of offering its stakeholders more clarity and evidence on the company's economic, social and environmental sustainability performance, in recent weeks F.lli Mauri has started an internal process to set its first Sustainability Report, related to the preparation of the 2024 Balance sheet. The Sustainability Report is the key document through which a company has the opportunity to report and disclose its achievements, investments and performance in the field of social, economic and environmental sustainability, enabling stakeholders to evaluate the company's impact on sustainability topics.

The Report drafting process involves not only corporate investments to safeguard environmental resources, it also concerns all sustainability practices related to employee support, efficient governance oriented towards corporate growth and creating a synergetic and collaborative relationship with the local community and individual institutions. An overall sustainable approach that involves all the different declinations of sustainability theme, provides advantages and benefits towards a value distribution within its own territory, developing synergy and cooperation relations with local stakeholders and giving a trust and responsibility image to the company.

F.lli Mauri has decided to undertake this sustainability path by adopting the performance reporting standards defined by the international body GRI - Global Reporting Initiative, a multi-stakeholder organisation with the objective of developing, promoting and spreading guidelines for the voluntary tool reporting of economic, environmental and social corporate performance, divided into three categories of standards: universal, sector and specific.

The strategic decision to rely on GRI standards for the drafting of the first Sustainability Report represents an opportunity for F.lli Mauri to guarantee, to all its stakeholders, greater visibility, clarity and transparency regarding its performance and investments, which the company is currently proudly adopting in the field of sustainability and social responsibility.